As part of this year’s event we are asking everyone attending the picnic to please bring a contribution for the Fort Worth Food Drive.
For 2016, the Eastern Hills Neighborhood Association will be participating in the Box Tops for Education program to benefit the Eastern Hills Elementary School. This year we would like to help the Eastern Hills Elementary achieve their goal of $1,000 dollars. Currently they have collected over $300 worth of Box Tops. It’s a simple way to make a difference in our community. Just follow these easy steps: The Box Tops for Education coupons are available on 100s of products that most consumers purchase on a regular basis. Each Box Top is worth 10¢ and that adds up fast. A complete list of products is available on the EHNA and the Box Tops websites. Please clip your Box Tops and bring them to the next meeting or contact Madelyn Wattigney for a pick-up or drop-off information Madelyn’s contact: [email protected] / 817-903-2583 See the complete product list below: As part of BRIT's Residential Rainwater Program, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) and the City of Fort Worth are offering rain barrels and compost bins for sale from February 15th - April 14th. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our very successful “Pull Tab” Campaign.
Eastern Hills Neighborhood Association collected 14.5 lbs of soda can pull tabs. In January, President Kris Reynolds delivered our donation to the Fort Worth Ronald McDonald House. Keep Collecting for 2016! Congratulations to the newly elected Board Members for the Eastern Hills Neighborhood Association. The 2016 Board Members were elected on Tuesday, January 19th at the general meeting. We look forward to another fabulous year with fun events, special programs and more. Thank you all for your continuing hard work and dedication. President: Kris Reynolds Vice President: Derek V. Williams Secretary: Barbara Grisell Treasurer: Karen Thompson Parliamentarian: Lynelle Dye The 2016 Neighborhood Awards Luncheon was held on Saturday, January 9th. Hosted by the City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations, this annual event recognizes outstanding neighborhoods and individual neighbors for their work and dedication to the improvement of their neighborhoods. We are excited and very proud to announce that Eastern Hills Neighborhood Association was honored for our outstanding neighborhood newsletter, “News From The Hills”. Congratulations Madelyn Wattigney, Newsletter Editor, for your dedication and hard work this past year
Our neighborhood also received Second Place in the Mayor’s Civic Engagement and Community Collaboration Award and Third Place in the Fort Worth Pride Award. Attending the event was EHNA President Kris Reynolds, who happily accepted the honors on behalf of our neighborhood association. EHNA also wishes to congratulate the Near East Side Neighborhood Association on their award. Go East Side Pride! The judges had a very difficult task this year, there were so many fabulous displays!
Congratulations to the winners: 1ST PLACE The Canales family @1801 Weiler 2ND PLACE (tied) The Helsel family @ 6109 Monterrey The Koch family @ 5601 Rockhill 3RD PLACE McClung residence @ 1744 Yolanda Honorable Mentions went to:
The EHNAThe latest news, happenings and more from the Eastern Hills Neighborhood Association Archives
March 2024
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