Bulk Trash
Eastern Hills' Bulk Trash Pickup week starts on the SECOND Monday of each month.
Pickup can start as early as Monday! Bulk trash put out any other week could result in a fine from Code Enforcement. Fort Worth provides monthly curbside collection at residential homes of items that are too large, heavy or bulky to fit in the brown garbage cart for normal garbage pickup.
The following items should not be set out as part of bulky item collection:
How much can you set out? Bulky item pick-up is limited to 10 cubic yards (about eight feet long, six feet wide and six feet tall) at no extra charge to each household that receives curbside garbage and recycling collection. There is an extra charge for piles exceeding 10 cubic yards. When do you put items at the curb? Place bulky items on the curb by 7 a.m. Monday of your assigned week. You may place items on the curb as early as 6 p.m. the Friday before your assigned week. Crews have until the following Saturday at 5 p.m. to pick up bulky items. After crews have collected on your street, do not place more bulky items on the curb until the next month on your designated week. |