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If you think a neighborhood association is not for you, or you are unsure on how you can contribute to your own neighborhood, I urge you to think about the following: 1. Good Neighbors Equal Good Neighborhoods When you gather a group of people interested in bettering their neighborhood, I am confident good things will come your way. While most neighbors are interested in preventing crime, some are interested in clean public areas or more street lighting. All these personal agendas make for a diverse to-do list. When it becomes personal, the vested interest grows stronger within the group. When you decide what to focus on and push up your sleeves, things start happening. Let me tell you, this type of work is not for the light-hearted: Roadblocks can sway your focus. You may expect to have more movement with decisions and changes. However, good neighborhoods take time to grow. There are no overnight successes, and at times, it seems easy to give up. When these feelings begin to invade your space, resort back to why you wanted to join in the first place. This is your home, this is where you have invested your hard-earned money, blood, sweat and probably tears. It is worth it. 2. Become a Decision Maker When you join a neighborhood association, you may have the opportunity to volunteer or better yet a place on the board. By taking a leadership role, you have the power to discuss issues and create improvements. A neighborhood association is also a direct line to your city council members and other elected officials. You have the privilege of meeting other neighborhood leaders as well. Collaborating on issues or events can be a great bridge for your community. Over time, this will make you well-versed in the processes of regulations and city-wide laws, which can be incredibly invaluable skills in civic work. 3. Gain Leadership Skills The skills you learn as a member of a neighborhood association are worthy of adding to your resume. And, most importantly, they may help you become a better employee and citizen. When working with a passionate group of people, you are not just adding “works well with others” on your LinkedIn. You are saying, “I am passionate about this cause.” You might also hone skills you never learned about in previous job. When was the last time you manned a booth at an event? Led a neighborhood cleanup? Asked for donations? There is no shame in showcasing your skills and picking up some new ones — the workday doesn’t always end at 5 p.m. 4. Get to Know Your Neighbors You don’t get to choose who is in your neighborhood association — I like that. Gathering a group of people from different backgrounds with a wide range of experience brings so much to the table. There is no social or economic exclusivity, and you’re likely not sitting in a group with your friends — though they may become that over time. A neighborhood is a place where you will run into people again and again just by being outside, running errands and taking a walk. Now, you may not always get along, but you are more than forced friends, you are neighbors who have the same common goal. Respect that and determine what you can take away from this group of engaged neighbors. 5. Have Fun Don’t really want to attend a meeting? There is something for you as well: a good time! Show up to neighborhood events. Meet new people, eat a few tasty treats, and go home. All with minimal planning required. Attending those events are great for meeting neighbors and feeling more connected to the place you live. One of those events is National Night Out, which is a community celebration. It also promotes a partnership between the neighborhood and local police officers. Other events may include Easter egg hunts, Fourth of July parade & picnic and other holiday gatherings. |